[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBl7ZFI-QP8|The oldest Welsh Lullaby: Dinogad's Smock (Pais Dinogad)]]. From the seventh century, the time of King Raedweld. [[https://archive.org/details/soundcloud-375876653|Honoring Our History Episode 16 - Anglo-Saxon Britain]] Download the mp3 file [[http://brianhunt.org/suttonhoo/audio/Honoring_Our_History_Episode_16_-_Anglo-Saxon_Britain-375876653.mp3|here]]. The podcast contents are: - Departure of the Romans - Sub-Roman Britain - Coming of the Anglo Saxons - Aside on King Arthur maybe - Rise and dominance of the Anglo Saxons - Bede's Ecclesiastical History of English Nation - Sutton Hoo - Warfare [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUG2LqqsEek|Sutton Hoo Treasure Ghosts]] Introduced by Carol Vorderman and a very good, non sensationalist account of the discovery and excavation of the ship burial